Relevance. Congenital clefts of the upper lip and palate (CCUL&P) - a serious malformation of the maxillofacial area, which occurs with gross anatomical and functional disorders, which, despite the timely provision of qualified medical care, often cause disability of children for many years. Occupying 3-4 place in the structure of congenital anomalies, they are one of the most common malformations of the maxillofacial region. According to the WHO, the birth rate of children with CCUL&P in the world is 0.6-1.6 cases per 1000 newborns. Purpose of the study. To develop a program for the rehabilitation of children with congenital clefts of the upper lip and palate. Materials of the study. Between 2005 and 2015, 41 patients with CCUL&P were treated in the 2nd clinic of SAMI. Of these, with one-sided cleft - 35 (85.37%), with bilateral - 6 (14.63%) patients; Girls - 14 (34.15%), boys accordingly - 27 (65.85%). Results of the study. All patients were prepared for surgery, that is, outpatient correction of grade I anemia was performed in 25 children (60.98%), grade II in 12 children (29.27%); Correction of grade I hypotrophy in 17 children (41.46%), grade II in 8 children (19.51%) under the supervision of a pediatrician and a hematologist. All patients underwent cheilorinoplasty using the Limberg-Obukhov method. In infancy and early childhood, before surgery, the orthodontist recommended the manufacture of an obturator - a special prosthesis designed to close the defects of the sky. The use of the obturator normalized the function of breathing, sucking, swallowing, chewing and promoted the proper development of speech. All children underwent stage-by-stage surgical treatment. 1 stage of surgical treatment - primary cheilorinoplasty by Limberg-Obukhov was carried out in the first 2-6 months. Life of the child and was aimed at eliminating defects and deformities of the upper lip and nose. 2 stage of surgical treatment - plastic soft palate, if necessary, was carried out in 6-9 months. Stage 3-sparing plastic of the hard palate was carried out at the age of 12-16 months. With a minimum mobilization of mucoperiosteal flaps, which significantly reduced the risk of formation of gross anomalies of the occlusion. After the 3 stage of correction, children were prescribed orthodontic treatment with a floating obturator. Preparation for uranoplasty lasted exactly as much as was required to normalize the bite. Recommended instructions with a speech therapist. There was constant monitoring by the surgeon and other necessary specialists. 4 stage. Urbanoplasty for Limberg was carried out at the age of 18 months to 3 years, depending on the shape of the cleft and the physical condition of the child. 5 stage. The stage of final rehabilitation included activities on the production of sounds and speech formation. We started the exercises with a speech therapist already in the hospital from the first days after uranoplasty. We noticed that the smaller the age of the operated child, the greater the prospects for spontaneous speech formation. Orthodontic treatment of children with CCUL&P began with the first days of life and especially active control of the bite was carried out after uranoplasty. Orthodontist visits were recommended once every 2-3 months. Before the plastic of the hard palate, a postoperative plate was prepared to form the palatal arch, which was of great importance for the proper development of speech. After the operation, the patient used it for 2-3 months. Then the forming plate was replaced with a removable denture, which was used for another 2 months. The speech therapist was engaged in the formation of the correct speech in children with cleft lip and palate. The main task of which was the training of external respiration and the development of oral expiration. This was achieved with the help of gymnastics and games, during which the child was accustomed to breathe deeply (playing a locomotive, playing a pipe, etc.). The speech therapist was combined with the physician's work in therapeutic gymnastics. Compliance with the proposed principles for the rehabilitation of children with CCUL&P significantly improves the aesthetic and functional results of treatment and allows timely detection of emerging disorders and to carry out their thorough correction. Results of operations and their awareness of the possibilities of modern medicine. Implementation of this algorithm for treatment of patients with CCUL&P and close interaction with the parents of the patient leads to early rehabilitation of the child, elimination of anatomical and functional aesthetic defects, prevention of pathological speech and voice formation, prevention and treatment of concomitant pathology, social adaptation, psychoemotional stability of the child and parents, Medical and economic costs of the state. Conclusions. For effective correction of congenital cleft lip and palate, children need a long-term complex treatment with the participation of many specialists. Firstly, this is an early orthopedic treatment from the first days of the child's life, carrying out a massage and miogym training with the participation of the mother. Secondly, this is a careful preoperative preparation and justified step-wise tactics of surgical interventions with a correctly conducted postoperative period. In the postoperative period, after each stage of correction, it is necessary to prescribe orthodontic treatment, speech therapy, physiotherapy exercises with massage, sanation at the pediatrician, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist.